Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cloudy days and Mondays don't get me down :)

Monday, Sept 27, 2010

30 minutes to the next day; its 12 degrees, Wavin' Flag on the radio and a potato-sandwich (its potatoes 3rd day in a row) thanks to the 2.5 kilos purchased last week. Haha. Plus I have just gotten back from watching 'Eat pray Love' with some girls from school.

Its a whole new business model out here multiplex-wise. There are the highest rates for normal people; read, those who are neither students nor aged. There are special rates for students only on Mondays; like they thought we'd be free Monday evenings? :) Then, if the movie is longer than an average German movie; which is perhaps 1.5 hours, they charge you around a couple of Euros more. And if you want to watch the long movie on any other row apart from the 1st 2, please pay an euro more. Having said all this, I like the clarity that is offered to a customer. For me to compare that with a show at PVR-Phoenix Mills and pay almost the same rate and not know why I was charged so much, its interesting.

Its been a great start to the week, so far. First, I managed to complete a presentation due today at 1 p.m. by 12 p.m. Close but not too close :) Honestly, a 1-year course is rather intense, to say the least. And right now, we have just 1 subject at a time. Tomorrow is when the sparks will fly; its 2 and then 3 subjects at 1 go. Plus an assignment from the previous one that is due. Also, German classes begin Wednesday mornings at 7 a.m.! Oh my God!

Today, our professor of Financial Accounting gave me a lot of insights into life. For one, he demonstrated the power of a great teacher; there's just 1 pre-requisite- lots of patience and listening skills; Ok 2 pre-requisites. The way he handles us is just amazing; for one he just addresses questions to us at random. Although a tad unnerving initially, it is a lot of fun later, coz it ensures you pay attention and you want to not look stupid in front of the class. Fun, in a different way :) However, he is an amazing teacher, with immense knowledge in his field. He went so far, as to state that 'He is in love with Accounting and that Accounting is sexy' . :) He hopes that we fall in love with accounting as well; I think we just might.

In preparing for my 1st submission over the weekend, I learnt that Nothing beats intense preparation; except a walk in 12 degrees through the streets, when its all getting too much. You come back refreshed and with a lot more ideas than before.

Today was also the day, I carried dabba to class :D Basically class was in the afternoon, giving me time to make the potatoes into something edible. So potato-sandwich it was. Plus, the day ended with the movie; I'd give it a 2.5 / 5, but it was still worth it somehow.

Since I am into a bit of writing now, let me recap my weekend quickly. It started on Friday evening; the last day of our 'Decision Analysis' class. Decision Analysis was a 4.5 day course that is intended to help us take better decisions in future. Initially it was a lot of theory, however things became progressively clearer, with cases and examples and group-work. Friday evening, on the way home, I popped into the city-library to stock up a bit. Sure, I love my decisions and finances, but a little Nora Robers always helps. So, there I was, in my idea of heaven where I could stay for a year at a price of 6 euros, take with me 50 servings of good-reads, browse/ read all day long, so browse I did, although for just about 30 minutes. Too bad, since the library was closing; but 30 is better than none. These servings are all mine for the next 30 days. The check-out process, by the way, is totally automated via a kiosk. However, I felt the urge to converse with the librarian, so I clarified the returns-process and  asked her for some recommendations. Ja, ja, auf Deutsch :)

There are 2 large shelves devoted to English fiction; yes HP, LOTR, Rohinton Mistry, Georgette Heyer, Salman Rushdie, Patricia Cornwall, Nora Roberts, and some others. Basically, this should last me awhile :) Plus, around25 shelves of German fiction; of which I picked up the tiniest possible one by Thomas Mann (recommended by a friend), then 1 shelf each of Russian, French and Greek literature. Then shelves devoted to Fach-literature (subject-matter literature) by category- sports, theatre, pedagogy, history, geography, science and a row dedicated to travel!!! I could live here!!!

So, I moved from shelf to shelf; met a very cute person (tried to act intelligent, yet charmant) lol, continued to browse  lovingly through the shelves and reached home with the following:

Bed of roses by Nora Roberts
The black moth by Georgette Heyer
The farmer wants a wife by Maeve Haran
Meine gruene Wiese by Guenter Grass,
Joseph und seine Brueder by Thomas Mann, and
A German grammar-practice book :)

On the way back, I kept smiling unaccountably for some reason; maybe it was the 'charmant' effect or just the effect of my idea of heaven. A warm croissant later, I was back in my other idea of heaven; home, settled in and looking forward to 2 days of bliss.

Now, I simply MUST get back to poring over my books, so more soon!

Till then, read some, its lovely :)

Bis bald,

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